Welcome to the
Auburn Public Library Virtual Resources Website
Auburn Public Library Virtual Resources Website
Join our Stay Connected Initiative!
We at the Auburn Public Library recognize the importance of continuing to encourage reading and literacy, not only for children,
but to ensure access to virtual resources to all patrons, and to help combat feelings of isolation during the COVID challenges.
To help meet this challenge:
- We increased e-resources for books, audio tapes, magazines, newspapers, and other resources. More information is, and will continue to be, available from our Library home page www.auburnlibrary.org and from our additional supplemental website www.aplvirtual.org
- We developed this virtual resources website to provide easy access to our efforts: remote videotaping of library staff reading to children and engaging them with energy-release activities, uploading literacy/activity sheets, developing and taping puppet shows, and more.
At this time we are entering Phase 4. We continue to add books and other resources to our holdings, and can provide them to you via the 'holds' process.
If you need assistance with this, please do not hesitate to contact us at 508.832.7790 M-F fro 8:00am to 4:00pm.
At this time the building is not open to the public and we have not scheduled a reopen date.
When we do reopen for browsing purposes, to safeguard your health and the health and safety of
library staff, our re-opening plan will require many changes and that will affect your experience.
Additional information will be provided when a reopening date has been determined
Stay safe ~
Dr. Jean E. Collins, Library Director